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Merian Riverside Walk

Meeting Merian on a Walk


The Merian Riverside Walk will still be under construction until 2025.

Press article in the newspaper

The second of six information boards: Portrait of Merian from 1679 and curriculum vitae on the "Merian Riverside Walk" with the city wall above the River Pegnitz and the “Schlayerturm” in the background.

Participants from left to right: Project manager Gerwin Gruber, Dieter Lölhöffel, Halina Dyrschka, a journalist and filmmaker from Berlin, Margot Lölhöffel, Mayor Christian Vogel.

Mayor Christian Vogel: As the politician and promoter responsible for the redesign of the public park, the "Nägeleinsplatz", he explains the project and inaugurates the riverside walk.

Trail markers with butterflies: Hexagonal cobblestones along the entire walk make finding one's way easy, especially when the path curves around the "Weinstadel".

It started in October 2019 with an idea and an open letter


To everyone who is interested in our initiative "MERIANIN 2018+ New Habitats for Insects"

We propose that the main path in the new Nägeleinpark, currently being planned on the banks of the Pegnitz (red dots), be named the Merianin-Uferweg (Merian Riverside Walk).

1: Way to Hallerwiese, the Gardens of the Hesperides and St. John’s Cemetery

2: Way to Medicinal Herb Garden, Bürgermeistergarten (Mayor's Garden) and to the Burggarten (Castle Garden)

Basic map: Stadt Nürnberg NAPL 200.90 00


  1. The name "Merianin" is a perfect match to the historical heritage of our city and the increasing importance of nature and its living creatures in today’s urban space. Urban nature and urban culture must be considered together in planning civic space to ensure the best possible future for Nuremberg. This also accords with the motto of Nuremberg's application for European Capital of Culture in 2025 = “past + forward!”
  2. A single name for the entire riverside path with appropriate identification through a butterfly motif marked out in stones in the pavement makes orientation easier for locals and visitors. In particular, walking around the Weinstadel will turn into child's play. Indeed, in our suggestion we are thinking especially of children as "trail scouts" for the adults.
  3. Information boards are intended to show not only thematic, but also important spatial connections to further attractions connected with nature:
    • east of the Hallertürlein (a small gate below the town wall): a signpost to the Medicinal Herb Garden, Bürgermeistergarten (Mayor's Garden) on the city wall up to the Burggarten (Castle Garden)
    • beyond the Hallertürlein at the eastern edge of Hallerwiese: a signpost to Riesenschritt with its connection to the Hesperidengärten and to Johannisfriedhof (Gardens of the Hesperides and St. John’s Cemetery).

Signature: Margot and Dr. Dieter Lölhöffel, October 2019

A Quick Echo in Harmony


As early as the first half of 2020, the Nuremberg Service Authority for Public Spaces (Servicebetrieb Öffentlicher Raum = SÖR) published a free brochure, together with the planning offices commissioned for the project. In it they informed the residents of Nuremberg about the basic principles for the redesign of the "Nägeleinsplatz" (Small Nail Square).

This part of the historic town centre is connected with the name “Nägelein” since mills were located there which for centuries produced a large variety of goods for the local population and for the export trade. However, in this context “Nägelein” does not mean “small (metal) nails”. Centuries ago, cloves and carnations – “Nelken” in German were called “Negelein” or “Nägelein” and in this historic area cloves and other spices were ground for refined cooking and baking.of the upper classes. Merian also uses the terms “Negelein” and “Nägelein” in this sense. In her First Caterpillar Book the 49th etching depicts a "Purple Negelein"; and in the Second Book of Caterpillars the 31st etching shows a "Speckled Nägelein Flower".

The new brochure (1) contains not only a declaration of intent for a future "Merianin-Uferweg" (Merian riverside walk), but, in addition, precise statements on the design of the new park in St. Sebald’s quarter in the old town based on the proposals submitted by Nuremberg residents during the consultation process.

Photo Sequence showing the Merian Riverside Walk

Northern bank of the River Pegnitz in front of the future Merian Riverside Walk; western part between the Weinstadel and the town wall; autumn 2019, before the redesign of the park

View from the future Merian Riverside Walk to the row of houses which forms the northern boundary; autumn 2019, before the redesign of the park

Large car park in front of the houses in the western part, which it is planned to reduce in size in favour of the park; autumn 2019, before the redesign of the park

View of the embankment wall in front of the future Merian Riverside Walk with the Wasserturm, Weinstadel and Church of the New Apostolic Congregation; winter 2020/21, before the redesign of the park

Photos: Dieter Lölhöffel

View from the future Merian Riverside Walk to the small house with technical equipment for the river weir and to the outer city wall; winter 2020/21, before the redesign of the park

View from inside the park out to the large car park, which will be reduced in size in favour of flower beds; winter 2020/21, before the redesign of the park

  1. Brochure: Ein neues Gesicht für den Nägeleinsplatz (A New Face for Small Nail Square), 2020, published by Servicebetrieb Öffentlicher Raum Nürnberg with participation of experts from CIMA Beratung and Hackl-Hofmann Landschaftsarchitekten, p. 42; courtesy of the publishers (translation by Margot Lölhöffel)